Seventeen Point Agreement Tibet

The Seventeen Point Agreement, also known as the Agreement of the Central People`s Government and the Local Government of Tibet on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet, is a historic agreement signed between the Chinese government and the Tibetan government in 1951. It played a pivotal role in the relationship between Tibet and China and has been a topic of controversy and debate ever since.

The Seventeen Point Agreement was signed in Beijing on May 23, 1951, between the representatives of the Chinese government and the Tibetan government. The agreement was signed after the Chinese army entered Tibet and forced the Tibetan government to negotiate terms of peace.

The Seventeen Point Agreement has seventeen points that outline the terms that were negotiated between the two governments. Some of the key points of the agreement include:

1. The People`s Republic of China will not alter the existing political system in Tibet.

2. The religious beliefs, customs, and habits of the Tibetan people shall be respected and maintained.

3. The Tibetan government shall actively assist the People`s Liberation Army in Tibet and shall not obstruct its activities.

4. The Central People`s Government shall not alter the existing status, functions, and powers of the Dalai Lama.

5. The Tibetan people shall have the right to exercise regional autonomy.

6. The Central People`s Government shall not interfere in the administration of religious affairs in Tibet.

The Seventeen Point Agreement has been a controversial document since its signing. Some argue that it was signed under duress, as the Chinese government had already entered Tibet with military force. Others argue that the agreement was a legitimate negotiation between two governments.

Over the years, the Chinese government has been accused of violating the terms of the agreement. Tibetan autonomy has been undermined, and the Chinese government has been accused of suppressing Tibetan culture and religion. The Dalai Lama, who was a signatory to the agreement, has been in exile since 1959.

In conclusion, the Seventeen Point Agreement is a historic document that outlines the terms negotiated between the Chinese government and the Tibetan government in 1951. It has been a controversial document ever since, with accusations of the Chinese government violating the terms of the agreement. The agreement continues to be a topic of debate and discussion in the relationship between Tibet and China.